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Word Lists for Playing Competitive SCRABBLE®

Although you can see some word lists here, you can make your own lists of SCRABBLE® words using Mike's WHAT program, which is available at no cost.

On 24-Sep-18, Merriam-Webster published the Sixth Edition of the Official Scrabble® Players Dictionary (OSPD5), and it includes more than 300 new words which will be candidates for use in North American competitive SCRABBLE® starting 1-Mar-19.

Included on this web site are some lists of words of particular aid to folks learning useful words for competitive play in North America and other places using the same lexicon, such as Israel. All these words are found in the "Official Tournament and Club Word List" or "OWL" (available only to club/tourney members at the NASPA web site). This book is the only reference for words played which are of lengths between 2 and 15.

The Dictionary Committee of NASPA, in conjunction with Merriam-Webster, updated both the Official Scrabble® Players Dictionary (OSPD) and the Official Word List (OWL). The OSPD6 is now being sold to the public, and the updated OWL, currently OWL3 (OTCWL2016) along with update lists, is available to members of NASPA. Competitive play in clubs and tournaments is switching to using the resulting NASPA Word List 2018 Edition (NWL2018) in March, 2019. New NWL2018 books will not be published until the current supply of OWL3 books have been sold.

Here are the word lists currently found at this site:

Here are some word lists found at other sites:

back to the top of this page This page, maintained by Mike Wolfberg, was last updated on February 03, 2024 .