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OWL1 Word Lists for Playing Competitive Scrabble®

Although you can see some word lists here, you can make your own lists of Scrabble® words using Mike's WHAT program, which is available at no cost.

The word list collected here are from the original lexicon called OWL (for Official Word List); it was also known as TWL98 (for The Word List). This lexicon went into effect 2-Mar-98. These word list are kept on this site for historial reference. You are encouraged to use the current or much more recent word lists on this site.

Also see Archived old/dormant Scrabble® FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) by Steven Alexander - a comprehensive source.

Here are the OWL1 word lists found at this site:

back to the top of this page This page, maintained by Mike Wolfberg, was last updated on November 13, 2019 .