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New OWL3 Definitions Thru Fours

This file is at: http://wolfberg.net/scrabble/wordlists/OWL3/new_OWL3_defns_thru_fours

DA - DA n pl. -S dad
GI - GI n pl. -S a white garment worn in martial arts
PO - PO n pl. -S a chamber pot
TE - TE n pl. -S ti

AJI - AJI n pl. -S a type of chili pepper
CAF - CAF n pl. -S a cafeteria or cafe
CAL - CAL n pl. -S a small calorie
CUZ - CUZ n pl. CUZES or CUZZES a cousin
DAS - DA n pl. -S dad
DEP - DEP n pl. -S a convenience store
DOH - DOH n pl. -S the first tone of the diatonic scale
DUM - DUM adj cooked with steam
ECO - ECO n pl. -S ecology
EEW - EEW interj eeew
EMO - EMO n pl. EMOS a style of rock music with emotional lyrics
EST - EST n pl. -S a group technique for raising self-awareness
FAH - FAH n pl. -S fa
FOO - FOO n pl. -S a name for temporary computer variables or files
GIF - GIF n pl. -S a computer file in a format for images
GIS - GI n pl. -S a white garment worn in martial arts
GRR - GRR interj -- used to express anger or annoyance
HOM - HOM n pl. -S a sacred plant of the ancient Persians
HOO - HOO interj -- used to express surprise or apprehension
LAH - LAH n pl. -S la
LOR - LOR interj -- short form of "Lord", used as an exclamation of surprise or dismay
LUD - LUD n pl. -S a form of address to a judge in a court
LUN - LUN n pl. -S a lee
MAM - MAM n pl. -S mother
MEH - MEH adj not impressive; boring
MES - MES n mind-enhanced-state or mind-enhancing-substance
MMM - MMM interj mm
MOI - MOI interj -- used instead of "me?" to feign surprise when accused of something
MUX - MUX v -ED, -ING, -ES to transmit several messages simultaneously along a single channel
NAV - NAV n pl. -S navigation
NUG - NUG n pl. -S a chunk of wood sawn from a log
OCH - OCH interj -- used to express surprise or regret
OIK - OIK n pl. -S a very rude or stupid person
OMA - OMA n pl. -S grandmother
OOF - OOF interj -- used to express discomfort
OPA - OPA n pl. -S grandfather
ORG - ORG n pl. -S an organization
OWT - OWT n pl. -S anything
PAK - PAK n pl. -S pack
PHO - PHO n pl. PHOS a Vietnamese soup of rice noodles and vegetables
POS - PO n pl. -S a chamber pot
REZ - REZ n pl. REZES or REZZES an area of land set aside for Native Americans
ROO - ROO n pl. -S a kangaroo
RYU - RYU n pl. -S school for Japanese martial arts
SAN - SAN n pl. -S a sanatorium
SEV - SEV n pl. -S an Indian food of deep-fried strands of flour
SEZ - SEZ v says
SHO - SHO adj a nonstandard spelling of sure, representing its pronunciation in the southern U.S.
SIG - SIG n pl. -S a short personalized message at the end of an email
SOC - SOC n pl. -ES a sociology course
SOH - SOH n pl. -S sol
SUS - SUS v -ED, -ING, -ES to suss
TEC - TEC n pl. -S tech
TES - TE n pl. -S ti
TIX - TIX n/pl tickets
TIZ - TIZ n pl. -ES tizzy
TUM - TUM n pl. -S a person's stomach (an organ of digestion) or abdomen
UMS - UM v UMMED, UMMING, UMS hesitate or pause in speaking
UNI - UNI n pl. -S 1. a uniform 2. university
VIN - VIN n pl. -S French wine
VOG - VOG n pl. -S air pollution caused by volcanic emissions
WUZ - WUZ v a nonstandard spelling of was, representing dialect or informal pronunciation
XED - XED v exed
YAS - YA n pl. -S an Asian pear
YER - YER adj your
YEZ - YEZ interj yes

ACAI - ACAI n pl. -S a purple berrylike fruit of a tropical palm
ACRO - ACRO n pl. ACROS a skiing event in which a skier performs acrobatic moves to music
AFRO - AFRO n pl. AFROS a curly or frizzy hairstyle
AGLU - AGLU n pl. -S agloo
AGRO - AGRO n pl. AGROS a student of agricultural science
AJIS - AJI n pl. -S a type of chili pepper
AREG - AREG n/pl areas of shifting desert sand dunes
ARGH - ARGH interj aargh
AUGH - AUGH interj -- used to express despair or frustration
BANC - BANC n pl. -S a bench
BAWK - BAWK n pl. -S an Atlantic seabird
BAWN - BAWN n pl. -S a meadow for cows
BAZZ - BAZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to throw (as a stone)
BEAL - BEAL n pl. -S an infected sore (a painful place on the body)
BIBE - BIBE n pl. -S a creature whose crying is an omen of death
BING - BING interj -- used to indicate a sudden action
BISH - BISH n pl. -ES a bishop
BLAG - BLAG v BLAGGED, BLAGGING, BLAGS to rob with violence
BOBO - BOBO n pl. -BOS a well-to-do person who holds bohemian values and leads a bourgeois life
BURK - BURK n pl. -S berk
CAFS - CAF n pl. -S a cafeteria or cafe
CALS - CAL n pl. -S a small calorie
CAMI - CAMI n pl. -S a camisole
CAVA - CAVA n pl. -S a sparkling Spanish wine
CERT - CERT n pl. -S an event considered certain to happen
CHEM - CHEM n pl. -S a chemistry class or course
CHOC - CHOC n pl. -S a chocolate
CINQ - CINQ n pl. -S cinque
CLEG - CLEG n pl. -S a horsefly
CLIT - CLIT n pl. -S clitoris *deemed offensive*
COMM - COMM n pl. -S communication
CRIP - CRIP n pl. -S a cripple (disabled person) *deemed offensive*
CUMS - CUM v CUMMING, CUMS to ejaculate *deemed offensive*
DEPS - DEP n pl. -S a convenience store
DESI - DESI n pl. -S a person of Indian, Pakistani, or Bangladeshi birth who lives abroad
DEVI - DEVI n pl. -S a Hindu goddess
DOBE - DOBE n pl. -S adobe
DOHS - DOH n pl. -S the first tone of the diatonic scale
DOOB - DOOB n pl. -S a doobie
DOSA - DOSA n pl. DOSAS or DOSAI a pancake made from rice flour
DOSH - DOSH n pl. -ES money
DOUT - DOUT v -ED, -ING, -S to extinguish (as a fire)
ECOS - ECO n pl. -S ecology
EEEW - EEEW interj -- used to express disgust
EKKA - EKKA n pl. -S a one-horse vehicle of India
EMOS - EMO n pl. EMOS a style of rock music with emotional lyrics
ERUV - ERUV n pl. ERUVIM or ERUVS an enclosed area in which Jews are permitted to carry on activities normally forbidden on the Sabbath
ESSE - ESSE n pl. -S essential nature
ESTS - EST n pl. -S a group technique for raising self-awareness
FAFF - FAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to make a fuss
FAHS - FAH n pl. -S fa
FILK - FILK n pl. -S a type of popular music that parodies folk songs
FOOS - FOO n pl. -S a name for temporary computer variables or files
GACH - GACH v -ED, -ING, -ES to gatch
GEAN - GEAN n pl. -S a bitch or attention-whore *deemed offensive*
GIFS - GIF n pl. -S a computer file in a format for images
GOJI - GOJI n pl. -S the red berry of an Asian shrub
GRIZ - GRIZ n pl. GRIZES a grizzly
GYNO - GYNO n pl. -S a gynecologist
GYPO - GYPO n pl. -S a small-time logging operator
HEPS - HEP n pl. -S hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
HIYA - HIYA interj -- used as an informal greeting
HMMM - HMMM interj hmm
HOLO - HOLO n pl. -S a hologram
HOMA - HOMA n pl. -S a hom
HOMS - HOM n pl. -S a sacred plant of the ancient Persians
HORK - HORK v -ED, -ING, -S to spit
HWYL - HWYL n pl. -S an emotion that inspires impassioned eloquence
ICKS - ICK n pl. -S something sticky or disgusting
JIRD - JIRD n pl. -S a long-tailed rodent
JIZZ - JIZZ n pl. -ES semen *deemed offensive*
JOOK - JOOK n pl. -S a tavern that has a jukebox
JUDY - JUDY n pl. JUDIES a woman
KAPU - KAPU n pl. -S a Hawaiian set of rules for daily life
KETA - KETA n pl. -S a type of salmon
KRAI - KRAI n pl. -S an administrative territory of Russia
KRAY - KRAY n pl. KRAYS krai
LAHS - LAH n pl. -S la
LEDE - LEDE n pl. -S the introductory section of a news story
LEVS - LEV n pl. LEVA or LEVAS or LEVS a monetary unit of Bulgaria
LIAS - LIAS n pl. LIASES a blue limestone rock
LIPO - LIPO n pl. -S liposuction
LOTO - LOTO n pl. -S lotto
LUDO - LUDO n pl. -S a simple board game
LUDS - LUD n pl. -S a form of address to a judge in a court
LUNS - LUN n pl. -S a lee
MAKI - MAKI n pl. -S a dish of sushi and raw vegetables wrapped in seaweed
MAMS - MAM n pl. -S mother
MECH - MECH n pl. -S a mechanic
MOFO - MOFO n pl. -S mother fucker *deemed offensive*
MOHO - MOHO n pl. MOHOS a boundary separating the earth's crust and mantle (the region between the crust and core
MOOK - MOOK n pl. -S a foolish or contemptible person
MUNG - MUNG n pl. -S a round green bean
MUSO - MUSO n pl. MUSOS a musician
NAES - NAE n pl. -S no
NAGA - NAGA n pl. -S a half-snake, half-human creature in Hinduism
NANO - NANO n pl. -S science that deals with materials on an atomic or molecular scale
NAVS - NAV n pl. -S navigation
NEWB - NEWB n pl. -S a newbie
NIFF - NIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to stink
NUFF - NUFF n pl. -S enough
NUGS - NUG n pl. -S a chunk of wood sawn from a log
NYAH - NYAH interj -- used to express contempt for another
OATY - OATY adj OATIER, OATIEST tasting or smelling of oats
OCHE - OCHE n pl. -S a line behind which players stand when throwing darts
OFFA - OFFA prep off of
OIKS - OIK n pl. -S a very rude or stupid person
OLDE - OLDE adj old
OMAS - OMA n pl. -S grandmother
OPAS - OPA n pl. -S grandfather
ORGS - ORG n pl. -S an organization
OUTA - OUTA prep out of
OWTS - OWT n pl. -S anything
OXER - OXER n pl. -S a fence for keeping in cattle
OXIC - OXIC adj denoting a process in which oxygen is involved
PAAN - PAAN n pl. -S a betel leaf folded round pieces of betel nut and spices
PAKS - PAK n pl. -S pack
PALI - PALI n pl. -S a cliff in Hawaii
PAUA - PAUA n pl. -S a large New Zealand shellfish
PERC - PERC n pl. -S a chemical used in dry cleaning
PHOS - PHO n pl. PHOS a Vietnamese soup of rice noodles and vegetables
PIPA - PIPA n pl. -S a four-stringed Chinese lute
POGO - POGO v -GOED, -GOING, -GOES or -GOS to jump up and down as if on a pogo stick
PROB - PROB n pl. -S a problem
PUDU - PUDU n pl. -S a small deer of South America
PULK - PULK n pl. -S a small sled
RENO - RENO n pl. -S a renovated house
ROOS - ROO n pl. -S a kangaroo
RUKH - RUKH n pl. -S a roc
RYUS - RYU n pl. -S school for Japanese martial arts
SEPS - SEPS n pl. -ES an African lizard
SESH - SESH n pl. -ES a session
SEVS - SEV n pl. -S an Indian food of deep-fried strands of flour
SHEN - SHEN n pl. SHEN the spiritual element of a person's psyche
SHHH - SHHH interj sh
SIGS - SIG n pl. -S a short personalized message at the end of an email
SKOL - SKOL v -ED, -ING, -S to skoal
SOHS - SOH n pl. -S sol
SOJU - SOJU n pl. -S Korean vodka distilled from rice or sweet potato
SUKH - SUKH n pl. -S a souk
SUMI - SUMI n pl. -S a type of black ink Japanese ink
SUMY - SUM n pl. SUMY a monetary unit of Uzbekistan
TASE - TASE v TASED, TASING, TASES to stun with a gun that fires electrified darts
TECS - TEC n pl. -S tech
TEGU - TEGU n pl. -S a large lizard of South America
TEIN - TEIN n pl. -S a monetary unit of Kazakhstan
TIAN - TIAN n pl. -S a large oval cooking pot
TIYN - TIYN n pl. -S a monetary unit of Kazakhstan
TIZZ - TIZZ n pl. -ES tizzy
TOCK - TOCK v -ED, -ING, -S to make a short, hollow sound
TOCO - TOCO n pl. -COS a South American toucan
TOLT - TOLT n pl. -S an isolated hill
TOSA - TOSA n pl. -S a dog of a breed of mastiff
TREM - TREM n pl. -S an electric guitar lever for producing tremolo
TROU - TROU n/pl trousers
TUMS - TUM n pl. -S a person's stomach (an organ of digestion) or abdomen
TURR - TURR n pl. -S a murre
UMMA - UMMA n pl. -S the whole community of Muslims
UMPH - UMPH n pl. -S oomph
UNIS - UNI n pl. -S 1. a uniform 2. university
VEGA - VEGA n pl. -S a large plain or valley
VIFF - VIFF v -ED, -ING, -S to change direction abruptly of a vertical take-off aircraft
VINS - VIN n pl. -S French wine
VLEI - VLEI n pl. -S a hollow in South Africa in which water collects
VLOG - VLOG v VLOGGED, VLOGGING, VLOGS to blog video material
VOGS - VOG n pl. -S air pollution caused by volcanic emissions
VOLK - VOLK n pl. the Afrikaner people
VULN - VULN v -ED, -ING, -S to wound
WAAH - WAAH interj -- used to express wailing
WALI - WALI n pl. -S the governor of a province in an Arab country
WETA - WETA n pl. -S a large wingless insect of New Zealand
WIKI - WIKI n pl. -S a website that allows any user to add or edit content
YAGE - YAGE n pl. -S a tropical vine of the Amazon region
YEOW - YEOW interj -- used to express pain or shock
YOMP - YOMP v -ED, -ING, -S to march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain
YOOF - YOOF n pl. -S youth
YUZU - YUZU n pl. -S a sour Japanese citrus fruit
ZEDA - ZEDA n pl. -S grandfather
ZIZZ - ZIZZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to make a buzzing sound

back to the top of this page This page, maintained by Mike Wolfberg, was last updated on November 03, 2018 .