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E-mail Lists Relating to SCRABBLE®

There are four e-mail lists relating to SCRABBLE® primarily in North America:

All of these are yahoogroups.com-based mailing lists. The first three of these lists are maintained by list mistress Sherrie Saint John, who asks that you visit http://sasj.com/cgp for information on joining the lists. These lists are not moderated - no one reviews and approves messages that are sent to the lists. However, Sherrie reserves the right to remove members and/or prevent posts from list subscribers who break list rules.

CGP membership is limited to players who are club or tournament players. In North America it is expected that you would be a member of NASPA or NSA. When you ask Sherrie to be placed onto the CGP list, let her know your NASPA or NSA member number or your rating. If you are not from North America, just send her your rating and country of origin. Beware that this list sometimes gets quite a lot of message traffic, such as several tens of messages per day.

John Chew maintains an archive of significant postings to CGP.

The OSPD-Scrabble e-mail list, was founded in 1999, and is now hosted by Jill Heffner and Stephanie Steele at https://groups.yahoo.com. Cheryl Cadieux, a.k.a. Stellacious, moderated this list until she died in 2011. OSPD-Scrabble is a place to discuss SCRABBLE® as played in North America, using The Official SCRABBLE® Players Dictionary, 4th Edition, and TWL, and without reference to SOWPODS/Collins.

Strategy, word lists, club and tournament news, anecdotes, and almost anything else relating to the game as it is played in North America are acceptable topics, with an added emphasis on easing informal home players into the club and tournament scenes.

This is a SCRABBLE® community for Scrabblers to communicate with other Scrabblers. Everyone is welcome, but please make sure that your posts are user-friendly. No spamming is allowed.

In order to subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to ospd-scrabble-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

back to the top of this page This page, maintained by Mike Wolfberg, was last updated on November 15, 2019 .